I know this is the heart's cry of every serious born again believer.
In Matthew 5:6, Jesus tells us we need to develop a hunger for the things of God.
Matthew 4:4, more specifically Jesus said, “We can't live on physical food only but we need a steady diet of the Word of God!"
What food is to your physical body, God's Word is to your inward man (your born again human spirit)!
1 Peter 2:2 tells us we need to desire the pure milk of God's Word like a new born baby must have milk to grow and develop.
Don't get so caught up into feeding on spiritual things so far out that they don't help you grow. Just consistently read your Bible about how to love, forgive, resist sin and temptation, how to be a better mate, parent, child, employer, employee. Attend church faithfully, fellowship with strong believers and you will be on the right path to being a better Christian.