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  • Pastor Bernie Samples

What Will 2016 Be For You Personally?

Choices have consequences!

In Philippians 3:13, the great apostle Paul reflected on wisdom he had learned in life, "...this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high God in Christ Jesus."

January 1, 2016 is an opportunity for a fresh start in life! But you must make the choice of how to start the New Year then follow through with appropriate action! I think most of us have heard the definition of a fool, “A person that keeps doing the same thing and expects to get different results."

I want to look at three key points from Paul's writings.

1) "Forgetting those things which are behind" As you glance back at 2015, learn from your successes and failures and move on! What you did wrong, quit doing, and don't beat yourself up over and over again! What you did right, incorporate it as part of your life style, but don't get in the, “the good ole days" mindset. Make the choice for you personally, “The best is yet to come!"

2) "Reaching forth unto those things which are before" Set aside some quiet time with Jesus and your Bible in the quietness of your "Prayer Closet" and write out some realistic goals in, the spiritual arena of your life, (example: more consistent church attendance, personal Bible reading, studying faith building materials, etc.). And in the family part of your life, (plan date times with your spouse, recreation, family vacation with your family, etc.). Write out a financial plan for getting out of debt, (start paying cash and stop living off of charge cards and credit! Start paying off debt by beginning with smallest debt and working your way through each one, etc. Consider attending the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University 9 week class at HDWC in January).

3) "Press toward the mark for the prize" You need to set goals, write down steps to accomplish them and then, FOLLOW THROUGH!!!! If you want something different you must do something different!!! Don't just make "New Year’s Resolutions." Make quality spiritual decisions asking Jesus for help and if you catch yourself slacking off, go back to your list remembering, choices have consequences!"

What Will 2016 Be For You Personally? For me I have made the choice, 2015 is history, I'm moving forward and 2016 will be the best year of my life so far!!!

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